Coldstream Brewery

Business: Coldstream Brewery Co Ltd

Location: Coldstream

Type: Brewery

The Coldstream Brewery was established in the second half of the 1790s by Head, Jopling & Co.

When the partnership was dissolved in the second half of the 1810s, a new partnership - Thomas Jopling & Co - was formed to carry on the business.

That partnership was dissolved in 1923 and Thomas appears to have taken on the brewery on his own account until around 1826. It was then occupied by Hindhaugh, Trotter & Co until 1847, when the brewery was put up for sale.

 The brewery came into the ownership of J. & A. Davidson around 1865, and stayed in their possession until 1918 when J. & A. Davidson (Coldstream) Ltd was formed to carry on the business.

It was then acquired by the Coldstream Brewery Co Ltd in 1922, and was used by them until the company was taken over by Vaux and Associated Breweries Ltd, of Sunderland, in 1944.

The brewery consisted of "an attractive group of 1- and 2- storey rubble buildings around a courtyard", parts of which survive today as housing.

Map of 1896 showing the layout of the Coldstream Brewery
Map of 1896 showing the layout of the Coldstream Brewery
© National Library of Scotland, 2015

Active: 1790s - 1944

Address: Market Place

Status: Part survives

Current Use: Housing


Coldstream Brewery
Part of the Coldstream Brewery in the 1960s
© John Hume, 2015


Part of the former Coldstream Brewery seen from the north down what was Brewery Lane, and which is now housing

Other Sources of information

Web Resources

Canmore has a number of records relating to the Coldstream Brewery. Last accessed 19th July 2016.

Books and periodicals

Anon. Death of Mrs Black of Lanton: a benefactor of Coldstream. Berwickshire News, 24th September 1914, p.3.

Donnachie, I. A history of the brewing industry in Scotland. Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers, 1979.

Hume, J. R. The industrial archaeology of Scotland, 1: The Lowlands and Borders. London: B. T. Batsford, 1976.