Ross Shiells was a son of William Shiells and was recorded as a lawyer's apprentice in 1851. He took on the family business at Brewery Park in 1857 after James H. Inglis & Co had given up their tenancy, but by 1861 he found that "the business was not successful in this sense, that I found it expedient to give it up". By then the decision had already been made to sell the property and it was acquired in 1861 by George Young, a local smith, who disposed of the equipment and thereby brought brewing at Brewery Park to an end.
Location: Haddington
Active: 1857 - 1861
Status: Closed
The Brewery Park complex was described as "an extensive building three storeys high with suitable offices and a portion of land and garden attached" and as having "a brewhouse, maltings, kiln, mill, granaries, cellarage, and stables".
The brewery has since been demolished and the site is now occupied by part of an East Lothian Council building complex. Three later outbuildings still stand, converted to private housing.