A and J Young

Alexander and James Young took on the Elgin Brewery from their father Alexander in the 1810s, thereafter trading as A. & J. Young. In 1851 they employed ten men.

The business passed to James Young junior in 1854 when his father, James senior, retired. In 1861 he employed thirteen men, one woman, and one boy. However James senior briefly returned to the business when James junior died in 1870 at the relatively young age of 47.

When James senior died in 1872 the business was carried on by James Leslie, who had started as the brewery clerk, and James Bennet, his grandson.

By 1898 James Bennet was the sole proprietor, and remained so until the brewery was bought by the town in 1912.

Among the beers produced by the brewery was India Pale Ale.

Trademark of A. & J. Young
Trademark of A. & J. Young
© Forbes Gibb, 2016

Location: Elgin

Active: 1810s - 1912

Status: Closed

Breweries and other buildings

The original Elgin Brewery consisted of about half a dozen buildings arranged around a central courtyard, and lay to the east of Elgin Cathedral. It was gradually extended until 1898 when a fire caused extensive damage.

The brewery was rebuilt but was bought by the town in 1912 and demolished to improve the view of Elgin Cathedral.


Map of 1868 showing the layout of the Elgin Brewery
Map of 1868 showing the layout of the Elgin Brewery
© National Library of Scotland, 2016


We only have one image related to A. & J. Young, and would welcome any other information or images related to the company.

Other Sources of information

Books and periodicals

Young, R. Annals of the parish and burgh of Elgin: from the twelfth century to the year 1876, with some historical and other notices illustrative of the subject. Elgin: Robert Young, 1879.