Ladywell Brewery

Business: John Young and Co Ltd

Location: Fisherrow

Type: Brewery

The Ladywell Brewery was built on a long strip of land that ran north from the High Street to New Street. The complex was gradually extended to include a maltings, bottling hall and cooperage.

Lawrence Lyall acquired the brewery in 1855, having previously been involved with the Leven Brewery as one of the partners in Scott & Lyall. By 1882 the Ladywell Brewery had been leased to Thomas Millar, but in 1885 he stated in a submission to the Musselburgh Valuation Appeal Court that "the brewery was vacant and dismantled" and that he was not using it.

The brewery was then taken on by John Young & Co in 1886, and passed into the hands of John Young & Co Ltd in 1891. Brewing ceased at the Ladywell Brewery in 1968, and it closed with the takeover of John Young & Co Ltd by Whitbread and Co Ltd that same year.

Map of 1892 showing the layout of the Ladywell Brewery
Map of 1892 showing the layout of the Ladywell Brewery
© National Library of Scotland, 2017

Active: 1850s - 1969

Address: High Street

Status: Part survives

Current Use: The former company offices have been converted to private residences.


Ladywell Brewery
This view shows the company offices looking down the High Street from the west, in the 1960s.
© John Hume, 2017


The former company offices have been converted into private residences.

Other Sources of information

Books and periodicals

Lawrie, J. Honesty brewing: a history of the breweries, maltings and distilleries of Musselburgh and Fisherrow. Kennoway: Spiderwize, 2009.