MacDuff Brewery

Business: J and G Brown

Location: East Wemyss

Type: Brewery

The MacDuff Brewery is probably the "considerable brewery" which was recorded in the First Statistical Account of Scotland in 1745. It came into the hands of the Edington family in the 1800s and was operated by James Edington senior until 1825, and then by his son James until about 1847, when it was offered to let. At that time it was described as consisting of a "brew-house, cellarage, malting premises, kiln, stabling, cart sheds … dwelling-house" and "separate from these only by the public road … a large thrashing barn, with thrashing and malt mills … stabling and byres". By 1851 the brewery had been leased by J. & G. Brown, who eventually acquired it.

The brewery was offered for sale in 1926 and was acquired, along with eight public houses, by William Murray & Co Ltd of Edinburgh for £2,000. The brewery, which was then also referred to as the Wemyss Brewery, was then used by Murray's as its Fife depot and bottling store.

Map of 1913 showing the layout of the MacDuff Brewery
Map of 1913 showing the layout of the MacDuff Brewery
© National Library of Scotland, 2016

Active: 1740s - 1926

Address: East Brae

Status: Part survives

Current Use: Part of the brewery survives as a private house


MacDuff Brewery
The brewery was extended over time and by the end of the 19th century consisted of the brew-house in the north east of the complex, flanked by buildings to the south and west, including a dwelling-house.


The dwelling-house is still used as a residential property, while the remainder of the site has been cleared for new housing.


Other Sources of information

Books and periodicals

Gibb, F. The brewers and breweries of Fife. Stirling: Lomax Press, 2012.

McMaster, C. Brewing in Fife: the McDuff brewery, East Wemyss. Scottish Brewing Archive Newsletter, 19, 1991, pp.7-9.