Lint Riggs Offices

Business: James Aitken and Co (Falkirk) Ltd

Location: Falkirk

Type: Office

James Heugh Aitken had a house on Lint Riggs above the New Market Bar, which has the date '1904', and  the initials 'JHA' carved on its frontage. This became Aitken's general offices in 1933, following James's death.

After the takeover of Aitken's in 1966, the offices were used for a short time by Tennent Caledonian Breweries Ltd, but have now returned to their former residential use.

Map of 1913 showing the location of the Lint Riggs offices
Map of 1913 showing the location of the Lint Riggs offices
© National Library of Scotland, 2016

Active: 1904 - 1960s

Address: Lint Riggs

Status: Converted

Current Use: Residential property


Lint Riggs Offices
This view shows the general offices in 1940.


The former general offices are the last physical testimony to the presence of James Aitken & Co (Falkirk) Ltd in the town.


Other Sources of information

Books and periodicals


Gibb, F. The brewers and breweries of Stirlingshire. Stirling: Lomax Press, 2009.

James Aitken & Co. (Falkirk) Ltd. 200 years of progress. Falkirk: James Aitken & Co. (Falkirk) Ltd., 1940.