Kilsyth Brewery

Business: A McMullan and Sons

Location: Kilsyth

Type: Brewery

The Kilsyth Brewery was established in 1892 by A. McMullan & Sons to expand their and spirits and public house businesses.

The brewery was described as "lately fitted up at considerable expense with all the most modern improvements", and was probably located on the south-west corner of the Cross.

Map of 1896 showing the location of the Kilsyth Brewery
Map of 1896 showing the location of the Kilsyth Brewery
© National Library of Scotland, 2016

Active: 1898 - 1920

Address: The Cross

Status: Demolished

Current Use: Commercial development


Sadly we do not have a picture of the Kilsyth Brewery. Please contact us if you have one!


The brewery has been demolished and the site probably lies under a commercial development on the south side of the Cross.

Other Sources of information

Books and periodicals

Murray, L. and Murray, B. McMullan & Sons' Kilsyth business. Journal of the Scottish Brewing Archive, 2013, 13, pp.49-60.