Crownpoint Brewery

Business: Gillespie, Gray and Co

Location: Glasgow

Type: Brewery

The Crownpoint Brewery was established by Owen Lynch around 1868. After his death later that year the brewery was run by a board of trustees, who offered the business for sale in 1872.

It was then leased by the partnership of Gillespie, Gray & Co, who renamed it the Crown Brewery until their lease expired.

When Gillespie, Gray & Co moved to a new, purpose-built Crown Brewery in Slatefield Street, the brewery was offered for sale in 1882 under its original name with an upset price of £6,600.

The brewery was then taken on by P. & T. Lynch, but was offered for sale several times between 1883 (£4,500) and 1891 (£3,550).

It eventually came under the ownership of Crownpoint Brewery Ltd in 1898, which was wound up in 1904.

Map of 1892 showing the layout of the Crownpoint Brewery
Map of 1892 showing the layout of the Crownpoint Brewery
© National Library of Scotland, 2015

Active: 1868 - 1904

Address: Gallowgate

Status: Demolished

Current Use: Retail warehouse


Sadly we do not have a picture of the Crownpoint Brewery. Please contact us if you have one!


The site of the brewery now lies under a retail development.
