Argyle Brewery

Business: D S Ireland

Location: St Andrews

Type: Brewery

The Argyle Brewery was established sometime between 1820 and 1825, and was initially run by the partnership of Ireland & Halket.

It then passed into the hands of Rea Ireland after the partnership was dissolved in 1827. Rea's son, David Stevenson Ireland, took on the brewery in 1860 and he remained in charge until his death in 1890. A limited company, D. S. Ireland Ltd, then ran the brewery until 1902, when the company went into voluntary liquidation. The premises were then acquired in 1906 by Wilson & Co, who manufactured and bottled aerated waters.

The brewery was described as a "group of 2- and 3-storey rubble buildings" with a "3-storey brewhouse with an octagonal-section, red-and-white-brick chimney", with all the buildings having pantiled roofs. It had a 225 foot deep well which had been bored by miners from Largoward in 1886.

Most of the brewery has been demolished, though the entrance to the courtyard remains, and one small outhouse near the entrance to the courtyard.

Map of 1893 showing the Argyle Brewery
Map of 1893 showing the Argyle Brewery
© National Library of Scotland, 2015

Active: 1825 - 1902

Address: Argyle Street

Status: Part survives


Argyle Brewery
This picture shows the brewery in the 1960s.
© John Hume, 2015


The brewery was demolished in the 1980s and the site is now occupied by housing, which can be seen through the former entrance to the brewery courtyard.

Other Sources of information

Web resources

Canmore has a number of records relating to the Argyle Brewery. Last accessed 19th July 2016.

Books and periodicals

Cook, H. St Andrews through time. Stroud: Amberley Publishing, 2011.

Gibb, F. The brewers and breweries of Fife. Stirling: Lomax Press, 2012.

Hume, J. R. The industrial archaeology of Scotland, 1: The Lowlands and Borders. London: B. T. Batsford, 1976.