Thomas and James Bernard Ltd

Thomas and James Bernard Ltd was formed in 1895 (Scottish Company No. 2860) to acquire the business of Thomas and James Bernard, and property and assets belonging to John Mackay Bernard. The initial authorised capital was £250,000 comprising 7,500 £10 ordinary shares, and 17,500 5% £10 preference shares. John Mackay Bernard remained the Chairman and Managing Director until his death in 1919 by which time the company had been built up into a significant concern. It survived the rigours of the war years, and by 1958 its capitalisation had been increased to £475,000. However, it was eventually taken over by Scottish Brewers Ltd, and brewing came to an end at the new Edinburgh Brewery in Slateford.

Its first trademark was a red barrel with 'Celebrated' written across it, but it also used a St. Bernard dog with a beer bottle on collar around its neck.

Among the beers produced by the company were 90/- Ale, 90/- Amber Ale, 90/- India Pale Ale, 90/- Pale Ale, Brown Ale, Coronation Heavy Ale, Coronation Light Ale, Double Brown Ale, Double Brown Stout, Export Beer, Export Pale Ale, Export Stout, Extra Special Stout, Extra Stout, Fine Pale Ale, Grouse Ale, Imperial Stout, India Pale Ale, Milk Stout, Scotch Ale, Special Export Ale, Special Mild Ale, Stout, Strong Ale, and Table Beer.

Trademark of Thomas and James Bernard Ltd
Trademark of Thomas and James Bernard Ltd
© Forbes Gibb, 2017

Location: Edinburgh

Active: 1895 - 1960

Status: Taken Over

Breweries and other buildings

The new Edinburgh Brewery was built in the west of the city in 1887, to designs by Hippolyte Jean Blanc. Much of the site has been cleared for a modern housing development, but the former offices still stand, converted into private residences.


Map of 1893 showing the layout of the new Edinburgh Brewery
Map of 1893 showing the layout of the new Edinburgh Brewery
© National Library of Scotland, 2017


We have a number of images related to Thomas and James Bernard Ltd, but would welcome any other information or images related to the company.

Other Sources of information


The National Records of Scotland holds company papers (Ref : BT2 /2860).

Books and periodicals

Donnachie, I. A history of the brewing industry in Scotland. Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers, 1979.