David Rodger

David Rodger took on the brewing business of his father, James Rodger, in 1817. The Anstruther Brewery was offered for sale by public roup in 1836, and was eventually acquired in 1839 by John Russell & Co for the reduced upset price of £1,500.

Location: Anstruther

Active: 1817 - 1839

Status: Acquired

Breweries and other buildings

The Anstruther Brewery was on Burial Brae, and consisted of a group of buildings organised around a courtyard.


Map of 1854 showing the layout of the Anstruther Brewery
Map of 1854 showing the layout of the Anstruther Brewery
© National Library of Scotland, 2016


We do not currently hold any images of items related to David Rodger, and would welcome any information or images related to his business.

Other Sources of information

Books and periodicals

Anon. Desirable brewery, houses, lands and others, in and near Anstruther and Pittenweem, for sale. Caledonian Marcury, 21st May 1836.

Gibb, F. The brewers and breweries of Fife. Stirling: Lomax Press, 2012.