Wallacetown Brewery

Business: John Smith

Location: Wallacetown

Type: Brewery

The Wallacetown Brewery, also referred to as the Cross Street Brewery, was established by John Smith in 1840 in partnership with his brother Robert. The partnership was dissolved in 1852 and John continued the business on his own account until failing health forced him to retire.

The brewery, and associated malt-barn and malt and hop stores, was offered for sale in 1884 when it was described as having been "specially built by the exposer [John Smith] for brewery purposes". It had a "frontage of 59 feet to one street and 92 feet to another (with a shop fronting Garden Street)", which places it at the junction of Garden Street and Cross Street (directories use both addresses).

In 1890 it was acquired by the Ayr Mineral Water Company Ltd.

Map of 1855 showing the probable location of the Wallacetown Brewery.
Map of 1855 showing the probable location of the Wallacetown Brewery.
© National Library of Scotland, 2023.

Active: 1840 - 1884

Address: Cross Street

Status: Demolished


Sadly we do not have a picture of the Wallacetown Brewery. Please contact us if you have one!


The site is now occupied by twentieth century housing.


Other Sources of information

Books and periodicals

Anon. Brewery at Ayr for sale … long conducted under the name of the Wallacetown Brewery. Glasgow Herald, 11th January, 1884.

Gibb, F. and Close, R. The brewers and breweries of Ayrshire, Buteshire and Renfrewshire. Stirling: Lomax Press, 2013.