Denny Brewery

Business: John Amory

Location: Denny

Type: Brewery

The Denny Brewery was located at East Boreland, and was converted to a distillery around 1818 by Captain John Amory.

Map of 1861 showing the location of the Denny Brewery
Map of 1861 showing the location of the Denny Brewery
© National Library of Scotland, 2016

Active: 1810s - 1818

Address: East Boreland

Status: Demolished

Current Use: Undeveloped land


Sadly we do not have a picture of the Denny Brewery. Please contact us if you have one!


A contemporary private house still stands on the site, up the lane, but the commercial buildings have been demolished, and only traces of the walls remain.

Other Sources of information

Books and Periodicals

Gibb, F. The brewers and breweries of Stirlingshire. Stirling: Lomax Press, 2007.

McCaffery, K.  Denny and Dunipace local history. Denny: Denny Library Services, 1969.

Moss, M. S. and Hume, J. R. The making of Scotch whisky: a history of the Scotch whisky distilling industry. Balerno: James & James, 1981.