Canongate Brewery

Business: John Aitchison and Co Ltd

Location: Edinburgh

Type: Brewery

The Canongate Brewery was established by William Aitchison, of Aitchison & Co, who moved his brewing operations there from the Kerfield Brewery in Peebles in 1828. A new partnership, John Aitchison & Co, was established to run the brewery, which was extended and improved over time. It eventually became part of John Aitchison & Co Ltd, which was established in 1895.

Brewing ceased in 1961 after the company had been taken over by Hammond United Breweries Ltd of Bradford. The site was cleared in the 1960s, and is now occupied by a development belonging to the University of Edinburgh.

Map of 1852 showing the layout of the Canongate Brewery
Map of 1852 showing the layout of the Canongate Brewery
© National Library of Scotland, 2016

Active: 1828 - 1961

Address: South Back of Canongate

Status: Demolished

Current Use: Residential property


Canongate Brewery
This view shows the site of the Canongate Brewery, and to its left the site of the St Mary's Brewery, both of which were cleared in the 1960s.


The development on the right-hand side has been built on the site of the Canongate Brewery.


Other Sources of information


The National Library of Scotland has a film which includes a short sequence featuring the Canongate Brewery.